Confronting The Rise In Racism – SUTR Event October 21st 2017


Events over the summer have seen the horrific legitimisation of overt racism and fascism across the globe. Despite Britain remembering the 70th anniversary of Partition in India, we are seeing the dramatic rise of hate along faith-based, colour-based and ethnicity-based lines. Stand Up To Racism are hosting an important conference in London on the 21st October, and you can buy low cost tickets here.  SWAN is an affiliate member of SUTR and we will do all we can to promote this event.

Scotland Survey On Supported Employment For NQSWrs.

The Scottish Social Services Council, working with partners across the sector, has recently reviewed social work education in Scotland. One of the recommendations is that Scotland should introduce a mandatory, supported first year in practice for Newly Qualified Social Workers (NQSWs). The Scottish Government are considering this recommendation and are now seeking to find out the sector’s views. A decision will then be made about undertaking further work on what a supported year might look like and how this could be delivered and resourced.
We are seeking views from organisations and individuals with an interest in the education of social workers. You can pass this link on to others, noting that we are distributing the link widely including to all registered social workers and social work students. Your views can make a difference – the views of the sector will influence what happens next, so please complete the survey.
The survey will take ~5 minutes to complete. You can take part in the survey by clicking on the link below:
The survey will remain open until 5pm on Friday 1st September 2017.
Your survey responses will be fully anonymous and will be stored securely. They will be accessed only by the relevant Scottish Government research team for the purposes of evaluation.
If you have any questions about this survey please contact
Thank you in advance for your help.