Social Work Action Network (SWAN) Conference 2011
Friday 15th April
11.30: Registration open
1.00 Introduction:
Professor Sue White – University of Birmingham (Critic of social work targets)
Michael Lavalette (SWAN National Convenor)
1.15 – 2.30: Plenary: Challenging Cameron’s Big Society and fighting welfare cuts
Speakers: Bob Holman (community campaigner), Bob Williams-Findlay (Disabled People Against Cuts), and Helen Davies (Barnet Alliance for Public Services/Unison activist)
2.35: Workshop streams
4.05: Break
4.30: Plenary: Social work and resistance across the globe
Speakers: Linda Smith (South Africa), Vassilis Ioakimides (Greece), and Miriyam Asfar (activist/researcher: Egypt and Arab revolutions)
5.45 – 6.45: Regional SWAN and IDYW network meetings
7.30 – late: Conference social (£5 for food & entertainment –see flyer below for details)
Saturday 16th April
10.00: SWAN AGM
11.00 Break
11.20: Plenary: led by young people (organized together with In Defence of Youth Work)
Speakers: Dami Benbow and Kalbir Shukra (activist/supporter of IDYW)
12.30: Lunch
1.30: Workshop streams
2.30: Break
2.50: Plenary with breakouts: Building Alliances to Defend Services
2.50 – 3.10 Introduction by John McArdle (Black Triangle Campaign), Karen Reissman (Unison/NHS anti-privatisation campaigner), and Education Activist Network speaker
3.15 – 4.10 Breakout sessions
4.15 – 4.40 Reconvene to feed back
4.45: Closing comments: SWAN Convenor
5.00 Conference ends
This programme with a full list of the workshop streams can be downloaded here.