Like the youth in other groups in society, young people qualified in the social professions have also been attacked by ongoing austerity. Faced with internship schemes, graduate schemes, forced emigration (Approximately 177,000 young people have emigrated from Ireland since 2008), poverty, unemployment, mental health issues and more, young people across all sectors and walks of life are bearing the brunt of government policies that have hit the poorest most and hit the riches least.
This protest is a chance for young people in Ireland, and those who stand in solidarity with them, to voice their strong opposition to the continued scapegoating of this generation. Instead of investing in the future generations through meaningful investment in jobs, increased investment in health services, proper housing policies and a proper safety net in the form of social welfare, the Irish government continue to enforce strict austerity policies which result in no jobs, no pay and no real future for young people in Ireland.
We urge any SWAN Ireland members, who can, to please join this protest on April 12th and march in solidarity with the other groups present.
In the words of Mandate Youth Network, “There is an alternative. Tax wealth and provide a real future for Ireland’s youth”.
Meeting point: Central Bank, Dame Street, Dublin 2.
Time: 3.00pm