The newsletters include the following content:
Spring 2011 has features on the SWAN campaign against racist cuts in Solihull, the massive TUC March for the Alternative, Disabled People against Cuts and an analysis of the controversial NHS Health and Social Care Bill.
Autumn 2010 has articles on the Comprehensive Spending Review austerity measures and resistance, SWAN in Hong Kong, the Gaza Freedom Flotilla, campaigning against social work practices, and student activism.
Spring 2010 includes an analysis of the Social Work Task Force, reports from two radical social work conferences, and articles on social work and climate change, the In Defence of Youth Work campaign and social work and the trade unions.
All editions carry a round up of SWAN activities and events from around the regions.
Dispatches newsletter encourages SWAN members and supporters to write about activities, actions, meetings, and debates in your group/region for future newsletters so please send in your articles, news, comment and photos to Dispatches by clicking here.