The special issue was inspired by the conference of the same name, which was co-sponsored by SWAN, at Liverpool Hope University in June 2015.
CRSW Journal Special Issue: Psychopolitics in the Twenty First Century

The special issue features articles or reviews from leading SWAN activists and supporters Peter Beresford and Ann Davis, as well as notable figures in the mental health field such as David Pilgrim and Diana Rose. The papers explore a range of themes including politics and social movements in mental health, Mad Studies, anti-psychiatry, critical perspectives on mental health policy and strategies of resistance to welfare reform. There are also articles from activist and consciousness raising groups involved in mental health campaigning from Critical Voices Network Ireland and reVision to Psychologists Against Austerity.
The full contents list and links to papers are available here:
Please email Rich at if you would like further information about the special issue, subscribing to this journal or accessing individual articles.
Guest editors of the special issue: Rich Moth, Helen Spandler, Mick McKeown and Joe Greener