In this area of the website you can find out more about how SWAN functions as a democratic organisation, with a facility to make direct contact with the national steering committee or regional groups. It also includes information and articles from regional groups.
Contact us. Here you can email the National Steering Committee of any of the existing regional SWAN groups. If you would like to set up a SWAN group in your area, we would love to help you do this – please email ‘Membership’ to discuss this by clicking here.
National Organisation. This includes a summary of the organisation’s purpose and history and important democratic information: the manifesto and constitution. This also contains the list of 2011 SWAN national steering committee members.
Regional SWAN. Each SWAN region has its own section of the website in which events, activities and reports from that district are listed. This provides a peek into SWAN’s life beyond the national conference and commentary on social policy and care in the media.