Success For Swan Dundee At The SASW Awards

After the Journal of Social Work Education rewarded their Calais film, here is their brief account of the SASW awards evening:
“When the award was called out, we couldn’t deny that we were a bit disappointed not to win the Student Social Workers of the Year award on Thursday 23rd March – but a few categories later, and completely unexpectedly, we won the Special Award: Leadership in Social Work
We were totally delighted, and the reception from so many of the people there was really heartening. The SWAN approach was spoken of very highly during two of the preliminary speeches (from David Thomson and the head of the social work union).”
The whole of SWAN thanks Swan Dundee for their passion and energy. We are thrilled for them!

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We want to develop a network of service users, practicitioners, academics and students to support radical and progressive social work. We need a social work that is ready to challenge oppressive practice, that means working collectively across the country and internationally to advance Social Work.