The annual conference marks election time, and this year voting will take place online, opening on June 4th. During the following two week period, members will be able to vote for those who have nominated themselves by:
- sending a 50 word description of themselves to Michael Lavalette, the national convenor, at
- agreeing to the expectations of participation in the steering committee.
We aim to have 12 meetings a year, 11 via teleconference and 1 face to face.
Steering Committee members should be prepared to take on a ‘steering’ role – create or involve yourself in national campaigns on behalf of Swan, raising our profile nationally and locally. Members make use of their particular area of knowledge, interest or experience and learn from others.
Members should be involved in an existing or creating a new local Swan group.
Alternatively, steering committee members can represent a recognised user or carer group and work to raise Swans profile within that setting.
Shape Swan. Nominate yourself for election.