SWAN Membership and Change of Circumstances Form
The cost of membership is £10 Full/ £5 Concessions per year. You can download the SWAN membership form at the bottom of this page. This form is in two sections, part A and part B. Part A is about your details and part B is about setting up a standing order.
Setting up payment of membership fees
Contact us here
and then choose ONE of the following 3 payment options:
a) Set up a standing order from your own bank account on-line to the SWAN bank account
Account number 65321151
Sort code 08 92 99
b) Fill in section B, print it off and send it directly to your own bank
c) Send a cheque payable to ‘Social Work Action Network (SWAN)’ to:
Social Work Action Network (SWAN)
c/o Iain Ferguson
School of Social Science
University of the West of Scotland
Any membership queries should be sent to iain.ferguson6 [at] btinternet.com