Social care workers show solidarity to Hovis Zero Hours Strikers

‘Hovis workers in Wigan are taking action over zero contracts. This is about all of us, particularly in social care, where Unison reports several thousand privatized care workers are on Zero Hours contracts.

It is also about the most vulnerable who need care and support who do not have consistency of carers. It means often numerous strangers walking through the door often agency workers who do not get a chance to form a bond with people.

Agency workers should be paid decent rate and have permanent contracts as should all care workers, and if the work is there then, there should be permanent jobs and no need for agency.

Hovis workers through mass picketing are on strike for all of us – their struggle is our struggle, the pictures show pickets stopping lorries from leaving the factory with chants such as ‘the workers united will never be defeated’.

Being with them on the picket line has been an inspiration. The Hovis workers know that this is about everyone including Unison and care workers. Pictures tell their own story.

Home carers and social workers have been on the picket line. The lorries were being driven by managers brought in from other parts of the country the mass pickets stopped most of the deliveries.’


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