Swan has been overwhelmed with support for our convoy to Calais, organised alongside Stand Up To Racism. Please find contact details for your local coordinator on this page and all relevant news.
Since our announcement that we will be taking a Solidarity Convoy to Calais on 17 October, we have been inundated with inquiries and offers of help from social workers wanting to join the convoy. We have now got some local contacts. This list will continue to grow, and this page will be used for all information updates. PLEASE CHECK REGULARLY:
In Liverpool phone Alison on 07872313339
In Salford/Manchester phone Shireen on 07835693716
In Brighton area call Fran on 07523218191
In Glasgow area contact Natalia on 07852765173
In Newcastle and the North East contact Terry on 07776185366
In Birmingham ring Sian on 07749851513
In North Wales contact Katie on 07791270027
In Leicester contact Manisha on 07979038270 or manishapatel2@btinternet.com
In London contact either Dan on 07989432570 or James on 07824806009
In Yorkshire contact Michael on 07504748063
For national coordination call Michael Lavalette on 07739729214
We are looking for coordinators especially in the BRIGHTON and SOUTH WALES areas. If you live elsewhere and want to help, contact Michael Lavalette. There is no geographical limit! We expect local meetings to take place, to help you work in small local teams.
Please be aware that we are closely communicating with contacts in Calais – this is a well planned convoy and if there is no capacity for a delivery directly to The Jungle in mid-October we will divert goods to a distribution point in London.
This is a huge opportunity for SWAN members and social work more broadly to challenge the racism that informs our government’s asylum and immigration policies. We are extremely grateful for your action.