i. Neoliberalism, managerialism and social work
Dr. Gidraph Wairire,The Impact of Structural Adjustment Programmes on Social Work and Welfare in Kenya
Professor Catherine MacDonald A Case study of managing a non-profit sector: purchase of service contracting in family support services
Fumihito ITO Education, training and qualification of Social Workers in Japan: The impact of State neo-liberal policies
ii. War, political conflict and social work
Dr Michael Lavalette Barrie Levine Social Work and Popular Resistance: Examples from Palestine and Lebanon
Carmen Hinestroza, Reclaiming the public space; Social work and the struggle of the AfroColombian and indigenous displaced communities.
Dr Vassilis Ioakimidis, Welfare and warfare; grassroots welfare and the Greek resistance
iii. Towards a Social Work of Resistance
Rudi Roose: The problem of language of resistrance
Michael Reisch: Challenging the master narrative in social work to create a philosophy and practice of resistance
Linda Smith: The inescapable responsibility of pursuing social justice