The workers are striking to maintain the integrity and quality of their vital service on 9th February 2012 – they need our backing. Please send your message to:
Let’s fortify the workers with messages of goodwill in their fight against privatisation.
This is a live, frontline example of what is happening in social care, as cuts are made and the welfare state is further denuded. SWAN London has invited the Barnet social workers to speak at our event.
A flyer for Saturday’s SWAN seminar is attached – please do come along and strengthen the resistance!
SWAN London
Dear Swan,
Our colleagues in the team running the duty service for Adults Social Services have voted overwhelmingly to take strike action in order to remain a council employee for London Borough of Barnet. The Council is trying to put them in a Call Centre which they are already trying to privatise. Our colleagues have not taken this decision easily and so need to hear that you support them. Please send a message of support to this email address.
The proposed day of action is 9th February when these colleagues will join the 2 bigger groups of colleagues involved in industrial action already trying to prevent being moved from Barnet.
See you Saturday.