•The 6th SWAN National Conference 2011: This event has been organised in collaboration with In Defence of Youth Work and will have the theme of ‘Building Alliances, Defending Services’. The conference will take place on Friday 15th April and Saturday 16th April 2011 at the Avon Rooms, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham. For information about the conference themes, programme and speakers click here.
•SWAN will participate to the 2010 World Conference of the International Federation of Social Workers. Organising three fringe workshops on the themes mentioned above. Academics from different countries are invited to contribute to these sessions. Delegates who will be attending the conference are encouraged to participate.(Free admission) For more click here
•We are pleased to announce the circulation of the first SWAN newsletter entitled “Dispatches from the Frontline. Please click here to download.
•SWAN has put together a booklet on debates and issues raised by the Baby P events. The booklet runs to 116 pages and includes contributions from leading social work academics (including Peter Beresford, Sue White, Chris Jones), frontline workers, service users and trade union officials (from both Unison and Aspect). The contributions are all a response to a lead article by Iain Ferguson and Michael Lavalette. Click her to download the ordering form.